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Surveys and Instruments to Support STM Services

Online Personality Assessments

Portrait Predictor

Predicts how the tester will view and respond to life’s situations. These preference categories are: Direct – Inspiring – Steady – Correct.

Leader Portrait

Indicates where an individual will best fit in the leadership process. This instrument defines leadership style and how they influence people to follow them.

Golden Personality Profiler

With a 4 Letter type, this report describes how the tester views the world around them; what kind of information captures their attention; how they make decisions and treat people; and how they live in the world around them.

These core instruments are utilized in STM assessments and team building.
More information is available by going to: www.portraitsystems.com.

Other Personality Reports

Personality Factor Profile

A more technical DISC instrument and report.

Job Perception Inventory

A companion instrument with the PFP defining how the job requirements are perceived by the tester – reporting through DISC format. A supervisor can respond to the same survey allowing comparisons between the employee and the supervisor on how they view the job requirements.

Gallup’s StrengthsFinder

STM supports the StrengthsFinder Themes.


A unique marital couples instrument examining similarities and differences – useful when assessment involves a marital couple.


Watson-Glasser Critical Thinking Inventory, Millon Personality Profiler, Enneagram Type Indicator, EIQ.

    Team Audit Survey

    This survey provides confidential feedback from team members or work groups on how they perceive the workplace. The responses are graphically reported through a team performance model. Open-ended questions are added to address issues unique to given work groups.